Fair trade

Women from Mali
Responsible consumption is one of our priorities. Kanité is engaged with the KALOJE association, a union of 8 cooperatives which works in the exploitation of shea in 4 regions of Mali. More than 1200 women depend on this structure. Its action is in the fight against female poverty and the lack of schooling for children in rural areas. Its objective: “to create added value by giving more value to shea butter through a controlled and more qualitative transformation. The UN has contributed to this project by financing all the buildings used to manufacture shea butter according to current standards. Kanité is also engaged in remunerating the women producers and thus helping them to reach their objectives.

Women from Ghana
Kanité is also involved with the women of Ghana, a union of 40 cooperatives that works in the traditional exploitation of shea butter in rural areas. More than 3500 women depend on this structure. This ethical trade creates added value by giving more value to the shea butter through a traditional and controlled transformation. Sometimes isolated, shea butter production allows Ghanaian women to acquire economic independence, and the creation of sharing and social values. The involvement of development partners such as SNV, Technoserve and Root Capital ensures that the SFC business is conducted in a socially responsible manner.